Tips for Storing Your Boat
By SchwebAdmin
As a boat owner, you should know how important it is to take proper care of your boats. When they’re not in use, boats can be damaged, which will lead to costly repairs or full replacements. That’s why you need a storage solution for your boats, especially when it comes time to winterize them.
What Can Happen to Boats in the Winter?
Boats are full of little nooks and crannies where water can get trapped, freeze in the winter, and expand, creating leaks in your boat. For motors and batteries, the freezing temperatures can also cause them to deteriorate – another costly replacement for your boat. Any upholstered seating on your boat is also at risk of tearing or rotting while it’s not in use.
How to Store Non-Motorized Boats
For small, personal watercraft, like row boats, kayaks, or canoes, storage is rather simple. You should not leave your boat outside in the open air but you can easily store them inside – just make sure they’re clean and dry. You’ll likely want to store them in a place where you can easily take them out, throw them in the back of your pickup truck, and head out to the lake. Garage rafters or a simple storage shed are ideal. You can even add a garage door to your shed for easier access to your boats.
How to Store Small Motorized Boats
Small- to medium-sized boats that are motorized need a little more attention when storing them. You should keep them on your boat trailer but clean and dry them before storage; you don’t want mildew to start growing. You should wrap the engine block during short-term storage and fully winterize the engine before long-term storage. You can store your boat outside with a boat cover, but covers can rip and you’re still at a high risk of damage. The much safer option is to store your boat in a detached garage. You’re able to keep it under lock and key, free from the elements and no risk of tearing your boat cover.
How to Store Large Boats
For larger boats, you’ll want to follow the same steps of cleaning, drying, and winterizing your boat and its engine. But if you’re taking it out of the marina, it won’t fit inside a conventional detached garage. Instead, you can check with the marina you dock your boat at during the on-season. Most have storage solutions for the winter which you can rent out. If not, you can build a larger pole barn on your property. These buildings can be built much taller than your standard detached garage, with much wider garage doors, making them ideal for large boat or RV storage.
Invest in a Storage Shed Today
Looking for a storage solution for your small- or medium-sized boats? Check out the storage sheds and detached garages offered by Raber Portable Storage Barns! We even have garage-shed combos so that you can have the best of both worlds. Request your free quote today!